BIPOC-Owned Businesses in Toronto: Part 1

BIPOC-Owned Businesses in Toronto: Part 1

Our friends are our chosen family.

I’d like to lift up some amazing Black and Indigenous friends and entrepreneurs that have created their own businesses. They are great inspirations to us, and we encourage you to check them out and give them your support!

NB: We’d love to keep expanding our BIPOC friendships, business network and this directory. Please contact us if you would like to connect!


Shannae Ingleton Smith

Kensington Grey – Shannae Ingleton Smith, Co-Founder

In the eight short years we have lived in Toronto, we have seen our friend Shannae Ingleton Smith (she/her) grow exponentially, from corporate advertising and marketing maven, to fashion muse, to Sephora poster woman gracing giant billboards at Yonge & Dundas square, to stylish mother, to independent digital marketing agency founder. (Yeah, wow!)

We are speechless and in awe of this incredible woman who is not only our unofficial house astrologer, but also happens to sit on the advisory board for Quvé Group, our wine agency, helping us navigate our social media presence and digital marketing strategy.

Shannae’s company, Kensington Grey, is named after her beautiful daughter, and focuses on influencer marketing. We love that her roster of talent primarily elevates the voices of Black womxn and BIPOC creatives.

Our summer wine inspiration for Shannae

For someone who is so exuberant she can flawlessly recite Beyoncé and Mariah Carey lyrics on command, we can only recommend Collavini Ribolla Gialla Brut 2015 – a sparkler of great flavour, to enjoy immensely!

Kensington Grey contact info

@kensingtongrey  |


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