Tales from France 2023: Why wine importers must do international travel

Tales from France 2023: Why wine importers must do international travel

“You must have the best job in the world!”

People make this assumption all the time. Yes, it’s customary for wine agents like me to travel the world and visit producers on pretty much an annual basis. The travel may seem very glamorous, but a pilgrimage through the vines is nothing short of hard work.

My job is to tell the story of each winery and bring their efforts to life. This involves a deep understanding of the delicate art/science balance of nature versus nurture vis à vis wine, and being able to translate that as you decide to pour a glass. I do not travel in pursuit of my passion or pleasure alone; I travel in search of yours.

Visiting the vineyards, viewing the vines up close, touching the soil, feeling the sunlight on my face differently in each region – these unique experiences are what allow me to transmit the energy and distinct character of each place to you, my clients. My hope is to do a good job of this such that I inspire you to seek out our wines.

And then there are trade fairs, large international expos where we go, hopefully, to make treasured connections with producers who might share the same values as us and want to work together. This is where our journey takes off, with a long-awaited first visit to Wine Paris / Vinexpo.

Next time: behind the scenes at Wine Paris 2023.




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